The LUTC Fellow (LUTCF)
designation is conferred only
upon those individuals who meet
or exceed the qualification
standards determined by the
joint sponsors of the
designation - The American
College and the National
Association of Insurance and
Financial Advisors (NAIFA).
Conley-Jones, LUTCF,
CSFP (Chartered Senior
Financial Planner), is
President of The Conley
Financial Group, a multi-line
insurance and financial services brokerage firm. Kathy, a native
of St. Louis, received her B. A.
degree in interdisciplinary
Social Studies and a minor in
Education from St. Louis
University. Kathy received her
Life Underwriter’s Training
Council Fellowship (LUTCF)
designation in 1996 and is
presently enrolled in the
Chartered Life Underwriter’s (CLU), and Certified
Employee Benefits Specialist
program (CEBS), Chartered Senior
Financial Planner (CSFP).
Ms. Conley Jones began her
financial service career in 1982
with General American Life; at
which time she founded K. C.
Conley & Associates, Inc. Ms.
Conley Jones is responsible for
assisting clients with the
coordination and management of
their financial resources
through the development of a
comprehensive and coordinated
financial plan. Her areas of
expertise focus on corporate
benefits, insurance, and
financial services strategies.
Kathy is a licensed insurance
broker in life, health,
property, casualty, and allied
lines in the state of Illinois &
Missouri. She is also licensed to
provide investment services.
The Conley Financial Group
recently expanded its services,
and now offers personal and
commercial lines coverage
through the Crane Agency. In her services capacity,
Kathy has created the PLANNING,
seminar series, which provides
comprehensive strategic
planning, estate, business
succession and charitable
planning initiatives and advice
to successful businesses,
individuals and organizations.
Kathy has served as a consultant
for both private and public
sector clients. In her role she
interfaces with clients and
their other advisors to bring
the best practices and
innovative solutions to the
table. Kathy has a
special focus on women and their
unique planning needs. |